Home for the Aged
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
Home for the Aged provides high quality housing, meals, civic, cultural and recreational activities and emergency response service to the residents of its one hundred ten independent living apartments. Some of the apartments are offered at rates that are below-market rates, making them accessible to those whose resources are modest, yet not such that the individuals are eligible for federal assistance. These apartments are specially designed to optimally meet the needs of those who are aging in place.
Program 2
Home for the Aged provides high quality housing, meals, personal care services, assistance with medications and civic, cultural and recreational activities to the residents of its thirty-six state-licensed assisted living studios. Some of the apartments are offered to low and very low income residents, subsidized by the State of Maine's MaineCare program. Home for the Aged operates the MaineCare supported studios at below-cost, and operating subsidies (to offset losses) are provided by the Home's endowment. Estimated operating subsidies in the current year were $495,471.
Program 3
Home for the Aged provides high quality, dignified, safe and affordable housing (70 independent living apartments) to those whose means are defined as "very low income or "extremely low income" in accordance with federal eligibility guidelines for the HUD Section 8 program. In providing Section 8 housing, Home for the Aged, in partnership with the U.S. Department of HUD, provides housing to those who would otherwise be at financial risk due to the high cost of housing and utilities. These apartments are specially designed to optimally meet the needs of those who are aging in place. As these residents age, by virtue of their residency, they are given priority for transfers to the assisted living program at such time as a higher level of care is needed.
Where we work
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