Roxbury Tenants of Harvard Association Inc
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Provide approximately 1,000 units of affordable housing; operate various health & wellness, educational and recreational programs including: a licensed day care facility for 56 children ages infant through pre-school, an after-school program and summer day camp program, a library and computer learning center, programs for teens, assistance to the elderly, and various health & wellness, educational and recreational programs.
Where we work
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- Analyze a variety of pre-calculated financial metrics
- Access beautifully interactive analysis and comparison tools
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Roxbury Tenants of Harvard Association Inc
Board of directorsas of 06/04/2016
Vicky Galinovskaya
Izrail Tselnik
John Anderson
Mary Clifford
Carmen Torres
Rebecca Hill
Roxanne Haecker
Jacqueline Boston
Lee Little
Lorraine Wise
Carmen Rosado