Big Brothers - Big Sisters of Southeastern Connecticut, Inc.
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
One-to-One Community Friendships
Our traditional Big Brothers Big Sisters relationshicaring adult role model, mentor and friend to develop areas of personal growth, social competance and a caring attitude.
Children of Promise
The Children of Promise Program aims to break the cycle of cross-generational crime in New London County. This program matches children of prisoners in Southeastern Connecticut with a caring, responsible mentor to create a supportive, consistent, one-to-one friendship.
Cadet Pals
The Cadet Pals Program matches fifth- and sixth-grade sudents identified as potentially at risk of academic failure or dropping out of school with cadets from the United States Coast Guard Academy. Cadet Pal matches meet at least twice per month, often on the Academy campus, thus taking advantage of the tremondous resources available there.
Native American Mentoring
Similar to our traditional one-to-one programs, the Natvie American Mentoring Program looks to serve a growing Native American community in New London County with the help of the Mashantucket Pequot, Mohegan, and other local tribes by indentifying at-risk youths, encourage their personal growth, and support knowledge and respect for their cultural heritage. Involvement in this program can be as a Native American mentor or mentee.
School-Based Mentoring
The Big Brothers and Big Sisters for the School-Based Mentoring Program come from local communities, colleges or high schools. They meet with their Little Brother or Little Sister weekly at selected school sites, either during the day or at after-school programs.
Where we work
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Big Brothers - Big Sisters of Southeastern Connecticut, Inc.
Board of directorsas of 05/02/2012
Michael Ross
Michael Ross
Paul Suprin
The Savings Institute
Allison Cone
Dime Bank
Jonathan Duncklee
Duncklee, Inc.
Neil Bumgarner
Cheryl Blanchard
Dime Bank
Keith Caplet
Chelsea Groton Bank
Suzanne Erno
Washington Trust
Steve Friedman
Citadel Broadcasting
Susan Howard-Cihocki
US Properties
Aditi Joshi
Joe Lavin
Mohegan Sun Casino
Edwin Lorah
Ed Lorah & Associates
Barry Runyan
Kevin Ryan
State of Connecticut General Assembly
Mark Svencer
New London High School
Barbara Willkens
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut
Joseph Petroff
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeastern Connecticut