Jeffrey School Parent Teachers Organization
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
Carnival: In June, the entire Jeffrey community is invited to a free carnival night held on campus. The PTO organizes activities, games, snacksand entertainment for all of the families and staff to enjoy as an end of year celebration.Some of the many activities include a giant slide, face painting, balloon animals, cotton candy, carnival booths, a magician and a local musician.
Program 2
Cultural Assemblies: The PTO sponsors 2 to 3 cultural assemblies throughout the school year, chosen together with the principal. The goal of each is to introduce the students to cultures and traditions from around the world and to teach empathy and compassion towards others and themselves. The assemblies are for the entire school and are typically split up between Kindergarten/First and Second/Third so that the students have a more personal experience.
Program 3
Science Month: A tradition that has been ongoing for many years, Science Month is another opportunity to engage all students in multiple different workshops and assemblies all focused on the different areas in science. The PTO works closely with the faculty to incorporate hands-on experiments, engaging assemblies with the goal to get students excited about science. Some of the different programs we have had in the past include a visit from a traveling zoo, Mobile Steam Lab, and a local scientist who leads experiments within each class that are chosen by each grade level.
Where we work
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