Grace Playschool Inc
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
Grace Playschool keeps high standards in a quality program in which children are exposed to activities which are age appropriate. Young children learn through play. Play experiences help the child develop in four main areas: physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Through playing, Grace Playschool children begin to relate to each other, to share and to feel comfortable in a happy safe caring environment. The Grace Playschool teachers recognize the individuality of each child; they help the child construct their own knowledge of the world around them using their senses and experimentation while improving their language skills. In a relaxed atmosphere children learn to accept differences in each other and have compassion for others and things around them in nature. All this builds self-esteem in the child giving him her a happy well-adjusted feeling while enjoying and having fun in a school environment. Parents share in the workings of the school.
Where we work
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