Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
Tanger Hillel offers students opportunities to engage in Jewish learning and build a relationship with Jewish traditions and text. We offer a variety of Jewish learning programs that serve students across the diverse Jewish community. Students can choose from group classes, one on one learning, Jewish Learning Fellowships, Shabbat dinners, and immersive Jewish experiences to build a deep and lasting connection with text, tradition and the Jewish people.
Program 2
Tanger Hillel at Brooklyn College offers a variety of programs to engage students and learn about Israel. These include educational workshops and speaker series, Israel Learning Fellowship and Hebrew Learning Fellowship.In addition, we provide events which focus on Israeli art, music and culture.
Program 3
Tanger Hillel organizes and facilitates social action projects, one of our core values, for students to get to know each other, break stereotypes and make the world a better place. Brooklyn College students from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds participate in meaningful and vibrant programs that shape community and foster a culture of volunteering. These programs include the After School Program for Children from the Homeless Shelter, Passover Food Deliveries for the Elderly in Need, Blood Drives, Clothing drives and more.
Where we work
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