USS Albany Inc

Dewitt, MI


The purpose of this corporation shall be to honor and preserve the history and memory of all the USS Albany's, past, present and future and their crews. To foster and strengthen the fraternal, civic and patriotic ties among surviving shipmates as well as to memorialize departed shipmates who served on the USS Albany's. To render financial aid or other support to appropriate qualified historical, educational, patriotic, or charitable organizations, as approved by the board of directors. To operate a USS Albany Heritage Exhibit. To provide assistance when needed to U. S. Navy and U. S. Marine Corp personnel, and to veterans of those military services. To aid the families of active duty and veterans of the Navy and Marine Corps.

Ruling year info


Principal Officer


Main address

3361 Hidden Ridge Dr

Dewitt, MI 48820 United States



NTEE code info

Military/Veterans' Organizations (W30)

IRS filing requirement

This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ.

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Programs and results

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Our programs

SOURCE: IRS Form 990

What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?

Program 1

1. The annual reunion of members was held in Nashville, TN from August 20 through August 25, 2023. The annual reunion provides member veterans with an opportunity to discuss and reminisce military service together, share programming and social time, recognize association achievements and leaders, and attend the annual business meeting of members of the association. There were 103 attendees (members and guests) at the Nashville reunion.


2. Planning continued and construction began on the USS Albany Memorial Park in Rensselaer, New York to commemorate and remember the crews of the ships and submarine bearing the USS Albany name.


3. The association's newsletter "Seabreeze" was published 4 times during the 2022-23 year to the 326 active members of the association. The Seabreeze includes information about the USS Albany Association including new members, member donations, deceased member notices, officer reports, association news, reunion notices, and other relevant information for our members.


Where we work

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USS Albany Inc

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This organization has no recorded board members.