Gainesville-Hall County Black History Society Inc
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
The Juneteenth event was held on Saturday, June 17,2017. It is the celebration of the Emancipation Proclamation acknowledging the freedom of African Americans from slavery in the United States. The event included vendors who sold their goods that included food, trinkets, clothing. jewelry. Some vendors were there to inform the public of their organizations and their functions in the community. A live band was performed. Other performances included, The event cost the organization
Program 2
A book signing and reception was held on August 5, 2017, introducing Dr. Patrick Phillips who wrote a book on the expulsion of about 1100 African Americans from Forsyth County, Georgia, in 1912. This information is left out of our Georgia history, so it was important for the organization to get the story out in the public. We estimate 300 people attended. the event was free to the public and was partnered with a church and two other organizations.
Program 3
The final event of the year was held on October 22, 2017. The organization did not sponsor the event, but the City of Gainesville did. We purchased a b with five other organizations at Alta Vista Municipal Cemetery to honor the 1146 African Americans who were interred in the cemetery between 1872 and 1360 during segregation. These 1146 African Americans are unknown because they were buned without markers.
Where we work
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