Community Boating Center Inc
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
YOUTH LESSONS AND MEMBERSHIP: The youth lesson programs teach children important virtues and lessons about life through sailing such as: cause and effect, problem-solving, science and technology, and teamwork. The underlying approach in all activities is to ensure that students enjoy both the challenge and fun of sailing and to instill the principals of sportsmanship, leadership, and self-reliance in all our youth sailors. Approximately 200 youth members were served during the year.
Program 2
ADULT LESSONS AND MEMBERSHIP: The adult lesson formats offer great opportunities for learning and growth with a highly structured curriculum that allows stepped progression through a variety of opportunities for beginner, racing or cruising-minded sailors. Approximately 105 adult members were served during the year.
Program 3
YOUTH AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS: An outreach program targeted towards making sailing accessible and affordable to children at risk or adrift within the Providence area. This sailing program combines boys and girls from different cultures and backgrounds to work together learning tolerance, trust and respect for one another while building upon their sailing skills. Unlike other ordinary sporting activities, sailing promotes physical skills, intelligence, sound judgment, self-reliance and significant responsibilities for a vessel, crew and self. During the spring, summer and fall programming, approximately 230 youths were served.
Where we work
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