PTA Florida Congress
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
Croc-A-Thon Fun Run: This is a schoolwide fundraiser. The largest expense was a donation of $53,786.91 of fund raised to the school. This allowed purchase of larger items at the principal's discretion, benefiting all 700 students in the school.
Program 2
Staff Appreciation events: This program provides a monthly meal or treat for all teachers, administrators, and staff in the school, benefiting approximately 60 staff.
Program 3
Book Fair: This program is a schoolwide fundraiser. Main cost is the books themselves and services to set up the fair, paid to an external vendor (Scholastic). Proceeds beyond these expenses go toward purchasing materials for the school media center/library. This benefits all 700 students in the school.
Where we work
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