Atlanta Cares Mentoring Movement Inc
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
The Achievement Club, supported by United Way of Greater Atlanta, hosted workforce readiness classes and financial literacy classes to 100 under resourced students to help them gain employability skills and money management skills. Incentives were awarded to students who completed the workforce readiness classes, obtained a job, and utilized the services of a financial institution to house their money and make financial transactions.
Program 2
A series of College and Career Readiness workshops, supported by United Way of Greater Atlanta, were offered to 100 high school students to prepare them for success on their educational and career pathways after high school, amd the employability skills that most employers are seeking. The workshops focused on identifying careers of interest to the students researching the primary duties the educational requirements, and apprentice/internship opportunities.
Program 3
The four week STEM Enrich Summer Academy, supported by Delta Community Union, enrolled 50 middle and high school students in a variety of STEM workshops which provided them opportunities to engage in hands on STEM activities, learn STEM careers, and interact with STEM professionals. The workshops included Artificial Intelligence, e-Sports, Cyber Security, Filmmaking, Drone Aviation, Graphic Design, Music and Coding, amd Micro-bit Coding.
Where we work
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