Urban Appalachian Council
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
Cultural Awareness- Activities celebrate and nourish the Appalachian culture and heritage, including school programs Proframs offered were Ringing in the Appalachian New Year, Arts Partnership Residencies
Program 2
Stregthening Families/Human Services- Conducts parenting education, training classes, provides emergency assistance to over 200 individuals, provided gifts to 400 children and adults at Christmas Parenting classes were provided, with an average of 90 of those parents demonstrating an increase in knowledge of parenting skills Emergency assistance was provided to over 2000 individuals
Program 3
Community Education- The education and employment programs serve individuals from many of the city neighborhoods, operating in an Amencorps program in partnership with ten community based education or health centers Amencorps participants provided tutoring and educational enhancement activities in low income neighborhoods 75 of GED program participants reached high school functioning levels in both reading and math
Where we work
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