Lutheran Home for the Aged
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
LHA's major operating programs include a Memory Loss Continuum of Care, Assisted Living, Medicare, Nursing Care, and Intergenerational Programs. ForeverFIT and SeniorFITness have proven successful in increasing strength and the ability to do daily living tasks and to maintain independence. We provide social services, educational seminars, support groups and have a Family Council which meets monthly. Each year our Miracles on Oakton Benefit raises funds for special projects to benefit care for older adults.
Where we work
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Lutheran Home for the Aged
Board of directorsas of 06/01/2006
Mrs. Paula Parks
Mrs. Virginia Barthel
Mrs. Marilyn Hermann
Rev. David G. Abrahamson
Mrs. Gail Hanson
Mr. Roger W. Paulsberg