No Greater Love Inc
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
Worldwide evangelism preaching and teaching the message of personal salvation through Jesus Christ. OBJECTIVE CURRENT- To teach individuals and groups that personal salvation is available to every person. That Christianity places an obligation on each believer to spread the gospel through various methods. One method is proclaiming the salvation message "on the streets" at various events which attract large numbers of people. Individuals are instructed in various methods of explaining the plan of salvation and are then accompanied in their attempt to spread the gospel. OBJECTIVE LONG-TERM-- Fulfillment of the Christian belief that the salvation message should be preached to the entire world. Meaningful output statistics are not measurable since the teaching actually involves preaching by the corporation's employee, as well as, accompanying others during their attempt to spread the gospel and teaching various methods. These different activities have different effects, but are inseparable from the actual program itself.
Where we work
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