Youth Enterprises Foundation
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Youth Enterprise operates year-round, as an after school program during the school year, and all day during the summer. The strengths of Youth Enterprise?s program are its time intensiveness and holistic nature. The program provides students with a part-time job designing, creating, and marketing products. This process is used as a channel through which we can teach and mentor students. The following three main components of our program are geared to meet our participants? broad spectrum of needs. Career/life skills development time: Twice a week our students are actively engaged in life and business skill lessons/experiences. Life skill lessons are designed around curriculum developed by Overcoming Obstacles ( and our on staff program leader. Business skills are taught hands on through several formats including business tours, guest speakers, and the process of designing, creating and marketing our products. Here is more information on each aspect of enrichment: Life Skills Lessons: goal setting, time management, conflict resolution, team building and teamwork, basic personal financial management (responsible credit, budgeting, etc.), resume development and interviewing skills. Business Skills Lessons: business communications, sales and marketing, customer service, project management, product development, quality control, and distribution. Academic Support: Devoted time to supervised homework and tutoring fostering academic achievement. This includes preparation for post-secondary education. Faith Enrichment: This time consists of organized prayer, accountability, and Bible study focusing on specific and relevant issues to today?s teens.
Where we work
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Youth Enterprises Foundation
Board of directorsas of 02/18/2016
Beth Russell
Consultant Lawrence Wang
Gabriel Bethel Leo College
Paul Bertelson, President, YouthWorks! Student Missions Paul Bertelson YouthWorks! Student Missions
Libby Wood Carrier Doran Recruiter Group
Mark Mortenson Counsel Mortenson Construction