Contender Elite Wrestling Association

Souderton, PA


Organized and operated for charitable purpose to promote the sport of wrestling

Ruling year info


Principal Officer

Christopher Atkinson

Main address

203 Middle Park Dr

Souderton, PA 18964 United States



NTEE code info

Amateur Sports Clubs, Leagues, N.E.C. (N60)

IRS filing requirement

This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990-N.

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Programs and results

What we aim to solve

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Our programs

SOURCE: IRS Form 990

What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?

Program 1

Summer Registration... We provide training to wrestlers from K-12 to compete in tournaments around the country. We had about 25 kids benefited on this session, Monday and Wesdnesday, K-6th Grade, and Tuesdays and Thurdats with 7th to 12th graders


Summer Intensive Camp - it covered wrestling from all positions. Allowed wrestlers to get personal attention and instruction from the clinicians and coaches. 25 kids were benefited with a 3 full days camp.


Fall Registration - 35 kids were benefited on this program. From Moday to Thursdays. We coached them to focus on correcting bad habits, developing an aggressive, attacking style of wrestling and much more.


Where we work

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Contender Elite Wrestling Association

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This organization has no recorded board members.