
Washington, DC   |


Sustain is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve nutrition in developing countries through innovative applications of food science and technology in collaboration with public and private sector enterprises

Ruling year info


Principal Officer

Elizabeth Turner

Main address

1455 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 400

Washington, DC 20004 United States



NTEE code info

International Agricultural Development (Q31)

IRS filing requirement

This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990-N.

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Programs and results

What we aim to solve

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Our programs

SOURCE: IRS Form 990

What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?

Program 1

Food Aid Quality Assurance - Delivered recommendations and tools to improve and restructure international food aid product specifications and the protocols used to verify product quality Deliverables included a comprehensive set of food aid specification templates with relevant product composition, quality assurance and performance standards, recommended use of commercially practiced quality assurance and control systems, and a protocol for venfying product compliance with specifications


Food Aid Quality Enhancements - Project objectives are to enhance the quality and nutrient profile of food aid provided through the international Food for Peace program Templates and tools have been recommended to strengthen the programs quality assurance systems Concepts for new and reformulated products have been assessed to better address current needs in the field, particularly among at-risk mothers and young children


Food Nutrition/Uganda - Project goal is to improve the health status of people living with HIV/AIDS through nutritional support and development of a ready to use therapeutic food for children and adults Provided technical assistance to evaluate options for local production of ready to use therapeutic food


Where we work

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