Clean Power Campaign
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
The Clean Power Campaign gives the public interest a seat at every table where important decisions are being made about energy.We believe policy matters. Public agencies at all levels help choose which energy resources and technologies receive public and private investment. These agencies also help choose how and where that energy is produced and distributed. These agencies also choose what a projects public-health and air-quality impacts are, and what it all winds up costing us in the end.CPC takes the fight to the utilities, oil companies, car companies and others to reduce the use of dirty fuels, require greater energy efficiency in appliances, vehicles, and buildings, and to generate more power from clean and renewable resources. We fight for stronger laws regulating emission of toxic air pollution and climate gases. We lobby the state Legislature, Governor, Air Resources Board, Public Utility Commission, California Energy Commission, California Independent System Operator, Local and regional air quality districts, city councils and wherever important decisions are being made about the environmental and public health attributes of the energy we use.CPC sponsored SB 423 (Stern) in the California legistlature and sercured Governor Newsom's signature in 2021. SB 423 (Stern) defines firm zero carbon resources as electrical resources that can individually, or in combination, deliver electricity with high availability for the expected duration of multi-day extreme or atypical weather events and facilitate integration of eligible renewable energy resources into the electrical grid and the transition to a zero-carbon electrical grid.
Where we work
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