World Missions Today
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Program 1
Building classrooms and enhancing facilities - the organization partners with schools in Puerto Rico by adding classrooms, renovating facilities, adding and upgrading, technology, and supporting school staff in order to better serve students.
Program 2
Transportation - the organization is taking the Gospel to more than 15 nations by providing motorcyles to Christian workers, including pastors and evangelists. The ministry also purchased a vehicle for a pastor during the year. The individuals who are receipients are primarily church planters who do not have any means of transportation.
Program 3
Feeding children and church planting - the organization feeds many children in Central and South America, Nepal and the Caribbean by partners with local churches who are overseeing feeding programs. The organization also goes into communities that do not have a church and partnering with denominations that have a local pastor but no building. The organziation also supports various other evangelistic missions with the goal of reaching the lost for Jesus.
Where we work
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