Milford Thrives

Milford, NH   |


Community improvement S20

Ruling year info


Principal Officer

Nancy Amato

Main address

52 Nashua St

Milford, NH 03055 United States



NTEE code info

Community, Neighborhood Development, Improvement (S20)

IRS filing requirement

This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ.

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Programs and results

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Our programs

SOURCE: IRS Form 990

What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?

Program 1

Young Children & Families: Milford Kids Thrive Collaborative; parenting website and communications; Welcome Baby program; early childhood family engagement. MKT early childhood collaborative continued to meet monthly (30 community professionals and stakeholders) and pursue, through a collective mission: building a Milford community where parents and caregivers feel supported and all young children are provided with strong early childhood foundations so they are ready for school and reach their full potential. Welcome Baby bags (infant care and maternal/child health and development resources) were delivered to 125 families. MKT website and Facebook page launched, receiving 1500-2000 visits each week; parenting email newsletter launched (452 subscribers by June 2023). Family outreach and engagement efforts strengthened, including contracting with Waypoint Family Resource Center for family engagement and connection to services and supports. Additional partner offerings included Toddler & Caregiver playgroup and participation in community outreach events including School Districts Kindergarten Orientations and family fun nights; Boys & Girls Club's Hopefest; Milford Recreations' Trick or Treat on the Oval, Easter event and Breakfast with Santa event (total of 3400+family engagements).


Young Children & Families: Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) via exploration of Adverse Childhood Experience Response Team (ACERT) model and early childhood outreach from school district. Project teams formed and phase two steps implemented, including contracted partners from Waypoint Family Resource Center, Milford Police Department, Bridges and Touchstone Farm


Environment education programs


Where we work

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Milford Thrives

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