The Family Nurturing Center
Transforming communities, one child and one family at a time
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Many families struggle with addiction, poverty, domestic violence, housing instability, mental health issues, adverse childhood experiences of both caregivers and children, which makes it incredibly challenging to consistently provide protective and nurturing care for their children. The Family Nurturing Center (FNC) seeks to prevent child maltreatment, help children and families heal from trauma, and break inter-generational cycles of abuse and neglect. By reducing or even preventing the toxic stress of trauma and adversity during peak emotional, social and cognitive development, FNC can positively affect children's healthy development and lifetime health. FNC programs are designed to facilitate strong parent-child attachments and increase family protective factors. Through education, parents begin to understand how their own trauma impacts their parenting, how their children's trauma impacts their behavior, and how to parent so children feel safe and protected.
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Children's Relief Nursery
Our therapeutic classrooms provide a nurturing place for children ages 0-5 who face extreme challenges to their emotional safety and well-being. The children meet at least twice a week for three hours each day with teachers who also act as care coordinators for the children's families. To keep children safe at home, care coordinators provide parents with education and monthly home visits, as well as other family stabilization services.
Farm and Food
We facilitate therapeutic groups where families grow food, then prepare and share healthy meals together while strengthening parent-child relationships.
The Farm and Food Program offers five elective groups to families connected with the Family Nurturing Center. For some, walking out to the field and indulging in a cup of freshly steeped tea is a big leap into the realm of therapeutic horticulture. For others, several hours of physical exercise accompanied by a basket of fresh produce is more rewarding. Many parents make this group a regular part of their weekly routine; they enjoy contributing their knowledge, skills, and experience throughout the seasons. Several committed parents have become peer mentors who help facilitate groups and provide invaluable insight into ongoing program development.
Parent Mentor
To strengthen families, the Parent Mentor program helps bring about constructive change through support, guidance, instruction and/or treatment. Parent mentors accompany parents to court hearings, family decision meetings, and team decision meetings. They maintain contact with parents during substance use treatment or incarceration, introduce parents to 12-step meetings or other recovery-based meetings, assist parents with access to community resources, guide parents through the stress of parenting in recovery, help parents learn to advocate for themselves and their children, and provide encouragement and support as the parent navigates the child welfare system.
Program partners include FNC, DHS, PSU and Morrison Child & Family Programs in Portland, OR.
Children's Mental Health Services
For families who meet the criteria for enrollment, Family Nurturing Center provides parent-child interactive therapy and child-parent psychotherapy. FNC also provides therapeutic groups to parents who need additional mental health support while raising children who have experienced trauma.
Grandmas2Go partners with local agencies to improve the well-being of the children in our communities and brings aging back into a celebratory light. Our Grandmas2Go serve as family coaches for new moms, single parents and young families. All volunteers are trained and undergo reference and background check
Mentors bring skills, experience, wisdom and patience, while supporting the family in a non-judgmental way. We provide non-medical, physical, emotional, and informational support at no cost to the family.
We help at-risk families break the cycles of abuse, neglect, violence, addiction, poverty and hopelessness that plague our communities.
Foster and kinship parents are key agents of change for the children in their homes. KEEP® is an evidence-based support and skill enhancement program for foster and kinship parents of children (KEEP Standard) and teens (KEEP SAFE™). The program supports foster families by promoting child well-being and preventing placement breakdowns.
Numerous studies have shown that many of today’s foster children have complex and serious behavioral and mental health problems that put them at risk for negative long-term outcomes. The enormous potential of these young people and the tough challenges faced by foster and kinship parents inspired the development of the KEEP model.
What is a KEEP group?
7-12 foster/kinship parents and 2 trained group leaders
16 weekly, 90-minute sessions
Evidence-based parenting curriculum tailored to each group’s specific needs
KEEP is trauma-informed
Refreshments, childcare, and other incentives provided
KEEP doesn’t use a “one size fits all” curriculum. While the group leaders draw from an established protocol manual, they tailor each session to the specific needs, circumstances, and priorities of participating parents and their children. Each week, the group leaders gather specific information about the children’s current behaviors by telephone. This information is then incorporated into the weekly sessions to make sure the group is both current and relevant.
KEEP groups are designed to be flexible and fun. Snacks are served, and childcare is provided. Unlike a classroom lecture format, KEEP groups are interactive and participatory. The groups synthesize the real and current experiences of foster and kinship parents with lessons learned from research about the most effective parenting methods.
ABC (Attachment, Biobehavioral Catchup)
Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) is a 10 session home visiting program. ABC helps parents nurture their distressed child and follow their child's lead. When parents behave in nurturing and responsive ways, children can be protected against negative outcomes.
Children learn that they can rely on their parents or caregivers, demonstrate better self-control, develop more regulated stress hormone patters, build the skills that will help them pay attention in school, show improved self-confidence and self-esteem. Parents learn to respond to their children's distress and play in ways that improve child development and long-term outcomes.
We offer ABC to parents and caregivers with babies ages 6-24 months. (Excellent for kids in care as well!)
Conscious Discipline
Kids learn more, show more compassion and feel better about themselves when they are in an environment that is caring, connected and safe. Conscious Discipline series helps caregivers learn evidence-based discipline strategies, practice new skills, increase parents' sense of confidence and helps build a sense of community with other parents. This class will help parents: set limits respectfully, notice and connect with their child, build self-esteem and willpower, teach children to manage their emotions and help them learn from their mistakes.
Classes in person and on Zoom. Classes twice a week for 4 weeks.
Where we work
Innovation Award 2017
Jackson Care Connect
Award for Implementation Excellence and Model Fidelity 2023
Community Partner of the Year 2023
Southern Oregon Head Start
Award for Implementation Excellence and Model Fidelity 2024
Affiliations & memberships
Oregon Association of Relief Nurseries 2018
Oregon Association of Relief Nurseries 2024
Our results
How does this organization measure their results? It's a hard question but an important one.
Average number of service recipients per month
This metric is no longer tracked.Totals By Year
Type of Metric
Output - describing our activities and reach
Direction of Success
Context Notes
We serve children and their families; using the 2-generation model, as we assist a child, we also serve their parents and others in the household.
Number of participants counseled
This metric is no longer tracked.Totals By Year
Type of Metric
Output - describing our activities and reach
Direction of Success
Context Notes
We provide play-therapy for children 6 months to 5 years including ABC, PCT, and PCIT. This includes caregiver coaching, so the actual numbers are higher.
Number of low-income families housed in affordable, well-maintained units as a result of the nonprofit's efforts
This metric is no longer tracked.Totals By Year
Type of Metric
Output - describing our activities and reach
Direction of Success
Number of direct care staff who received training in trauma informed care
This metric is no longer tracked.Totals By Year
Type of Metric
Other - describing something else
Direction of Success
Holding steady
Context Notes
100% of our staff are trained in trauma-informed best practices.
Total number of counseling sessions performed
This metric is no longer tracked.Totals By Year
Type of Metric
Output - describing our activities and reach
Direction of Success
Our Sustainable Development Goals
Learn more about Sustainable Development Goals.
Goals & Strategy
Learn about the organization's key goals, strategies, capabilities, and progress.
Charting impact
Four powerful questions that require reflection about what really matters - results.
What is the organization aiming to accomplish?
Key successes are:
1) Improved child and family outcomes, such as reduced rates of foster care placement, child abuse and children being removed from their home, decreased behavioral issues, increased emotional regulation 2) positive relationships with families that allow staff members to provide needed items (such as clothing and diapers) and valuable services, including home visits, therapeutic classrooms and respite care 3) positive community engagement 4) children and families connected to community services, such as early intervention, mental health services, medical care and other resources 5) keeping families together by preventing abuse and neglect
Other successes are a reduction of emergency room usage, improved family economic stability, increased literacy and school readiness, which has a significant impact on a child's experience and, as a result, their career and future success.
What are the organization's key strategies for making this happen?
FNC services build resilience through a strengths-based approach, accomplished by supporting children's safety, strengthening the family, increasing protective factors, helping families to meet basic needs, supporting social/emotional development and self-regulation, developing problem-solving/crisis management skills and, importantly, building secure attachments and support systems. By supporting children and families to heal, cultivating innate strengths, and providing interventions to break the cycle of abuse and neglect, FNC works to build a resilient community of families who are able to raise safe thriving children.
As a tool, Family Nurturing Center uses the Strengthening Families framework, as the foundation for all of our programs and services. This frameworks helps early childhood programs identify concrete and specific ways to engage and support parents and caregivers. It is framed around five protective factors demonstrated by research, to be linked to optimal child development and reduced rates of child abuse and neglect. Protective factors include: nurturing and attachment, knowledge of parenting and child development, parental resilience, social connections, concrete supports and social and emotional competence of children.
Trauma informed practices guide processes, interactions, and the physical environment at FNC, which is a safe space where adults behave and react in a predictable manner with children and parents, and staff are trustworthy, transparent, and respect confidentiality. Children and parents are treated respectfully as unique individuals and staff are able to understand trauma responses, and avoid triggers and re-traumatization. FNC seeks to increase families' felt sense of safety, and restore power through building skills and providing opportunities for choice and self-direction. All FNC staff receive ongoing training in trauma and trauma informed care, they have manageable caseloads, and receive weekly reflective supervision so that they are able to exercise self-care and process the vicarious trauma that they experience through their work.
In summary:
We help parents keep their children safely within their own families
We support children as they heal from difficult life experiences
We wrap an array of services around families in crisis helping them rebuild their lives and raise healthy and thriving children
We focus on bonding and attachment in all family support programs
We build protective factors in order to reduce the likelihood of abuse
We stabilize families so that they can thrive instead of survive
What are the organization's capabilities for doing this?
Family Nurturing Center is continually proven to be an industry leader for high quality early learning in the following ways:
• Achieved Quality Assurance Rating of 4 (highest ranking 5)-influenced heavily by staff qualifications
• Majority of care coordinators are either QMHA or QMHP qualified. "An individual possessing at least a master's degree in counseling and guidance, rehabilitation counseling, social work, vocational counseling, psychology, pastoral counseling, or family therapy or related field, who has successfully completed a practicum or internship that included a minimum of 1,000 hours of supervised direct service in a mental health setting, or who has one year of clinical experience under the supervision of a QMHP."
• FNC staff must meet qualifications for Oregon's Child Care Registry (audited annually), Relief Nursery standards (audited every two years) and meet Oregon Health Authority's standards (reviewed annually).
According to Jackson Care Connect, Care Oregon's local Coordinated Care Organization, “Family Nurturing Center is a high performing non-profit agency serving some of the most vulnerable families in Southern Oregon".
As a result of utilizing high quality, compassionate staff, FNC has a significant history of supporting vulnerable families, as well as a strong base of stakeholder support (parents, volunteers, donors, foundations and community partners).
What have they accomplished so far and what's next?
The Family Nurturing Center has grown from serving 3 kids in the beginning to over 600 each year. The agency has grown from one location, to three, serving both Jackson and Josephine counties. Recently we have received our children's mental health accreditation, expanded our farm and food program to operate a 25 acre farm, reunified over 100 children with their families in two years in of operating the LIFE program and housed over 45 families in the last year, providing intensive case management and in-home parenting.
With the current Opioid epidemic, a mental health crisis in our region and a vacancy rate of less than 1%, families have more challenges surrounding them than ever before. To combat this, our agency is about to embark on a community revitalization project, that will add over 27 units of low-income housing to the neighborhood. With a 50% mobility rate, a homeless rate that is one of the worst in the state, and child abuse and foster care at an all time high, our work is far from over. In fact, the best way to make systemic change is just that - work to improve the system that make navigation for families so difficult.
Family Nurturing Center has been active in the early childhood system-building arena since our inception (2006), helping to develop the structures, behaviors, and connections that make all the components of an early childhood system operate as a whole to promote shared results for children and families. This local effort is now being coordinated by the Southern Oregon Early Learning Council among early childhood providers, in which FNC is an active participant and thought partner. Family Nurturing Center has also been part of the West Medford P-3 initiative, helping Jackson Elementary School to become a trauma informed school, providing specialized training to teaching staff in the areas of strengthening families, trauma, home visitation, mindfulness and treating parents as partners. In an effort to reach beyond the early learning and education system, FNC has entered into a formal partnership called the “Rogue Challenge". This cross-sector collaboration includes six other non-profit agencies all working toward a common goal of improving systems to better meet the needs of children and families. Each service sector contributes important aspects to the system and to the desired result of thriving children and families.
We recognize that alone, we may not be able to move the needle, but collectively, we have the ability to create a trauma informed system of care that goes well beyond meeting families' basic needs. The goal of influencing systems is to address the largest public health crisis of our time, adverse childhood experiences of epidemic proportion. Collectively, we can help put families on the path to self-reliance and well-being, while giving kids the start they deserve, so that they can become contributing members of society and realize their full human potential.
How we listen
Seeking feedback from people served makes programs more responsive and effective. Here’s how this organization is listening.
How is your organization using feedback from the people you serve?
To identify and remedy poor client service experiences, To identify bright spots and enhance positive service experiences, To make fundamental changes to our programs and/or operations, To inform the development of new programs/projects, To identify where we are less inclusive or equitable across demographic groups, To strengthen relationships with the people we serve, To understand people's needs and how we can help them achieve their goals
Which of the following feedback practices does your organization routinely carry out?
We collect feedback from the people we serve at least annually, We take steps to ensure people feel comfortable being honest with us, We look for patterns in feedback based on demographics (e.g., race, age, gender, etc.), We look for patterns in feedback based on people’s interactions with us (e.g., site, frequency of service, etc.), We act on the feedback we receive, We share the feedback we received with the people we serve
What challenges does the organization face when collecting feedback?
It is difficult to get the people we serve to respond to requests for feedback, The people we serve tell us they find data collection burdensome, It is difficult to find the ongoing funding to support feedback collection, Staff find it hard to prioritize feedback collection and review due to lack of time, It is difficult to identify actionable feedback
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The Family Nurturing Center
Board of directorsas of 06/18/2024
Penny Klabunde
Retired Teacher
Term: 2021 - 2024
Damien Rennie
Financial Advisor
Term: 2021 - 2024
Damien Rennie
SkyOak Financial
Penny Klabunde
Retired Educator
Michelle Blum-Atkinson
Family Foundation Director
Hank O'Dougherty
Darax Corp
Don Kania
Molly Bundy
FNC Alumni, Costco
Laura Sutton
First Interstate Bank
Shala Helm
So Public Defender
Valerie Ljungkvist
So Or Pediatrics
Board leadership practices
GuideStar worked with BoardSource, the national leader in nonprofit board leadership and governance, to create this section.
Board orientation and education
Does the board conduct a formal orientation for new board members and require all board members to sign a written agreement regarding their roles, responsibilities, and expectations? Yes -
CEO oversight
Has the board conducted a formal, written assessment of the chief executive within the past year ? Yes -
Ethics and transparency
Have the board and senior staff reviewed the conflict-of-interest policy and completed and signed disclosure statements in the past year? Yes -
Board composition
Does the board ensure an inclusive board member recruitment process that results in diversity of thought and leadership? Yes -
Board performance
Has the board conducted a formal, written self-assessment of its performance within the past three years? Yes
Organizational demographics
Who works and leads organizations that serve our diverse communities? Candid partnered with CHANGE Philanthropy on this demographic section.
The organization's leader identifies as:
Race & ethnicity
Gender identity
Transgender Identity
Sexual orientation
Equity strategies
Last updated: 05/03/2024GuideStar partnered with Equity in the Center - an organization that works to shift mindsets, practices, and systems to increase racial equity - to create this section. Learn more
- We analyze disaggregated data and root causes of race disparities that impact the organization's programs, portfolios, and the populations served.
- We disaggregate data to adjust programming goals to keep pace with changing needs of the communities we support.
- We employ non-traditional ways of gathering feedback on programs and trainings, which may include interviews, roundtables, and external reviews with/by community stakeholders.
- We have long-term strategic plans and measurable goals for creating a culture such that one’s race identity has no influence on how they fare within the organization.
- We seek individuals from various race backgrounds for board and executive director/CEO positions within our organization.
- We have community representation at the board level, either on the board itself or through a community advisory board.
- We help senior leadership understand how to be inclusive leaders with learning approaches that emphasize reflection, iteration, and adaptability.
- We engage everyone, from the board to staff levels of the organization, in race equity work and ensure that individuals understand their roles in creating culture such that one’s race identity has no influence on how they fare within the organization.