Outreach - Center for Community Resources
Moving Today's Families Forward
Learn how to support this organization
Programs and results
What we aim to solve
Focused on promoting family stability and the self-sufficiency for residents of northeastern Pennsylvania, Outreach works across sectors to address the root causes of poverty and family instability. Our integrated prevention, education, community reentry, and job readiness services make a positive difference in the lives of over 4,000 children and adults per year. Program participants typically arrive at the Outreach Family Center with little to no safety net of support and often lack critical skills, opportunities, and resources. Our service continuum empowers individuals and families to overcome adversity, realize their dreams, and achieve economic independence. Outreach Center for Community Resources’ vision and purpose is to ensure everyone has a chance to succeed in life, no matter circumstance or background. The only way to break the cycle of poverty, unemployment, and incarceration is to offer evidence-based programs for all situations.
Our programs
What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?
Child and Family Serving Programs
Outreach serves economically disadvantaged and low-income families, programs are offered free of charge. Outreach assists families to become stable, healthy, and economically self-sufficient. Outreach ensures that families have equitable access by providing language interpreters for families that have immigrated to our region that are in need of Outreach programs.
Programs offered include:
* Parenting Skills - Evidence-based home visiting and group classes
* Family Reunification and Supervised Visitation
* Life Coaching
* Early Childhood Development/Intervention
* Youth Mentoring
* Substance use intervention and prevention education
* Parent Support Groups including gender-responsive and individuals in recovery for Substance Use Disorder
Additional wraparound services offered to promote stable, self-sufficient individuals and families.
National evidence-based programs offered include: Parents as Teachers™, SafeCare Augmented®, and the Incredible Years®.
Workforce Development - LEAD Center
Outreach - Center for Community Resources provides workforce development services through the (Leadership, Education, and Development) Center. Assisting participants to gain family stability and economic self-sufficiency.
* Case manager provides individual assessments of needs to develop professional soft-skills needed for the workforce;
With the assistance of case manager participants:
* Research occupations suited to their interests, values, and abilities;
* Develop career portfolios with resumes, cover letters, and thank you letters;
* Complete career assessment through testing and interest inventories;
* Prepare for job interviews;
* Seek vocational training with Johnson College if appropriate;
* Case managers refer participants to housing partners and other wraparound services;
* Once a participant is hired, the case manager follows up with the newly hired and his or her supervisor to ensure attendance, compliance with company rules, and any other factors that may arise.
Court related services
Outreach provides support to families and caregivers through Family Reunification case management services for children in foster care. Access and Supervised Visitation is provided at the Outreach Seventh Avenue Center for non-custodial parents.
Outreach provides services and support for individuals in recovery from Substance Use Disorder. Case management and mentoring are provided to treatment court enrollees (primarily women and Veterans).
Resources available include life skills, literacy, employment training, parenting, early childhood education, youth mentoring, reentry programs for individuals from the Lackawanna County Prison, addiction recovery, behavioral health supports, programs for justice-involved young adults as a PACTT affiliate, wrap-around case management and more, Outreach builds strong families and strong communities.
Community Reentry for justice-involved individuals
Outreach provides workforce development and parenting programs for individuals transitioning from incarceration into the community. Outreach supports women, men, juveniles, and veterans in the prison including those struggling to overcome substance use and opioid use disorder. Services include life-skills courses, parenting classes, and workforce training, in an effort to help individuals move to sobriety, self-sufficiency, successful reentry into the community, and to stay out of prison.
Outreach creates a bridge from jail to living as a healthy member of the community. Workforce training, money management, and comprehensive case management is available in the Lackawanna County Prison and at the Outreach’s Seventh Avenue Center.
Outreach provides workforce development programs that identify gaps in our region’s labor force and trains job seekers to fill those positions. Outreach case managers identify employers that are willing to employ justice-involved individuals.
Where we work
Parents as Teachers 2020
SafeCare Augmented National Accreditation 2021
Parents as Teachers 2021
SafeCare Accrediatation 2022
SafeCare Agency Accreditation 2023
Member 2021
Pennsylvania Assocation of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO)
SAGE Award for Non-Profit of the Year 2018
Scranton Area Chamber of Commerce
Certification for Outreach Facilitators 2021
Incredible Years®
Blue Ribbon PAT Program 2021
National Parents as Teachers
Quality Endorsement 2022
National Parents as Teachers
Affiliations & memberships
Supervised Visitation Network 2018
Supervised Visitation Network 2019
Parents As Teachers 2019
Supervised Visitation Network 2020
Parents as Teachers 2020
SafeCare Augmented 2020
Parents as Teachers 2021
SafeCare Augmented 2021
Supervised Visitation Network 2021
SafeCare Agency Accreditation 2022
Parents as Teachers Blue Ribbon Affiliate 2022
Parents as Teachers Blue Ribbon Affiliate 2023
SafeCare Agency Accreditation 2023
Our results
How does this organization measure their results? It's a hard question but an important one.
Evaluation documents
Download evaluation reportsNumber of participants who gain employment
This metric is no longer tracked.Totals By Year
Related Program
Workforce Development - LEAD Center
Type of Metric
Outcome - describing the effects on people or issues
Direction of Success
Holding steady
Context Notes
Outreach provides workforce development to unemployed and underemployed individuals. Services also provided to individuals with SUD and justice-involved individuals seeking reentry into the community.
Number of clients who self-report increased skills/knowledge after educational program/intervention
This metric is no longer tracked.Totals By Year
Related Program
Workforce Development - LEAD Center
Type of Metric
Outcome - describing the effects on people or issues
Direction of Success
Holding steady
Context Notes
Individuals that completed programs offered through the Outreach Workforce Development services reporting achievement of positive outcomes, many times this directly led to employment.
Number of children screened for developmental delays
This metric is no longer tracked.Totals By Year
Related Program
Child and Family Serving Programs
Type of Metric
Other - describing something else
Direction of Success
Context Notes
Children ages infant to 5 received health and development screenings to measure progress in the Parents as Teachers program. Staff used the validated Ages & Stages Questionnaire and ASQ SE tools.
Number of parents reporting improved parenting skills after participation in parenting course(s)
This metric is no longer tracked.Totals By Year
Population(s) Served
Children and youth, Families
Related Program
Child and Family Serving Programs
Type of Metric
Outcome - describing the effects on people or issues
Direction of Success
Context Notes
Parent courses include Parents as Teachers, Safe Care Augmented, and the Incredible Years. Families have children from pre-natal to approximately age 12.
Our Sustainable Development Goals
Learn more about Sustainable Development Goals.
Goals & Strategy
Learn about the organization's key goals, strategies, capabilities, and progress.
Charting impact
Four powerful questions that require reflection about what really matters - results.
What is the organization aiming to accomplish?
The organization's overarching goal is to promote the optimal health, safety, education, and financial self-sufficiency of individuals and families who face challenges or barriers.
Our mission is achieved through the following objectives and activities:
Help children and adults succeed by providing evidence-based early childhood education; youth mentoring; adult literacy, life skills, job readiness training, and career assistance.
Improve the well-being of children, youth, and families through evidence-based parenting skills training, intervention for children with special needs, and collaborative case management that increases access to supportive services.
Improve outcomes for highly challenged individuals and families through assessment and service planning; child/family reunification including supervised visitation for children and their non-custodial parents; support for substance and mental health recovery; and transitional services to help court/criminal justice-involved individuals reunite with their families, achieve a healthy lifestyle, gain economic self-sufficiency, and become contributing members of society.
What are the organization's key strategies for making this happen?
Outreach is a leader in empowering individuals to attain family and economic stability. This is accomplished through a continuum of evidence-based programs and best-practices that help break down systemic barriers that contribute to the generational cycle of poverty.
CHILD/FAMILY STRATEGIES: Certified family development specialists support parents in advancing skills for promoting their child(ren)'s health, safety, and education. Families are strengthened through a variety of parent education workshops, parent-engaged child screenings, pre-K and after-school enrichment, and case management that links families to community resources.
Early Head Start/Parents as Teachers™ for families with children ages 0-5. Evidence-based services include home visits, center-based early learning groups, and parent group connections.
Incredible Years® parent/child series for families with children ages 2-12. Outreach is the region's only certified provider of this evidence-based program.
Guiding Good Choices® evidence-based parent training classes and specialized support groups geared to family bonding and drug/alcohol prevention.
SafeCare Augmented evidence-based parent training program for the prevention of child maltreatment.
Youth Mentoring, tutoring, and enrichment for ages first grade and up.
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT through the LEAD Center: Group and 1:1 case management strategies help individuals advance toward financial stability, including but not limited to life coaching, job readiness, and evidence-based reentry services. Individuals assisted with career services, interview preparation, customized resumes, career portfolios, and job search assistance.
Responsible Fatherhood – Programming to promote job readiness, responsible parenting, and healthy relationships.
Life Skills/Reintegration Training – Pre- and post-release services for men and women leaving Lackawanna County Prison. Gender-responsive activities designed to minimize the risks of re-incarceration, including risk/need assessments, reentry planning, education in life-change and personal development topics, help with addictions recovery, job readiness, family re-connection, mentoring, and individual case management support.
GED Subject-Specific Tutoring for individuals seeking their GED credential.
Family Reunification – Case management of families with children in out-of-home placement, with the goal to move children into safe, stable home environments.
Access and Supervised Visitation – A service for non-custodial parents who warrant professionally supervised parent-child visits.
Services for Justice-Involved Juveniles.
Treatment Court and Diversion – Specialized case management and mentoring assist high-need women and military veterans toward achieving healthy life goals. Programming addresses parenting and family reunification; addictions recovery; workforce, access to healthcare, housing, and other critical support.
What are the organization's capabilities for doing this?
Outreach supports and empowers individuals through the operation and continuing enhancement of its award-winning Seventh Avenue Center. The center is home to Outreach's integrated programming as well as services offered by partner nonprofits, such as Maternal & Family Health Services' Women, Infants & Children (WIC) nutrition program, hospital-sponsored immunization clinics, and other programs that result in our family resource center that serving over 7,500 people per year. Outreach and other Family Centers (statewide and nationally) provide front-line prevention and intervention services to help children and families become healthy, educated, safe, and economically self-sufficient.
Our accessible two-level center is located in central Scranton, near public bus routes. Programs are offered year-round, Monday-Friday including evenings and by appointment. Childcare and transportation are offered for many programs. The welcoming center features training, counseling, and community meeting rooms; an early learning classroom with an outdoor playground; career/computer lab; state-of-the-art supervised visitation rooms for observed parent-child interaction; kitchen, dining area, and free parking, along with staff office space.
Outreach has more than thirty years of experience in successful family self-sufficiency programming and the administration of large state, federal, and foundation grants. The agency has a 16-member policy-making board, a constituent advisory committee, a dedicated cadre of program volunteers, and a multidisciplinary staff of teachers (pre-K through secondary), licensed counselors, case managers, employment specialists, and other experienced professionals, including employees with Spanish fluency. Staff members are trained in best practices and experienced in delivering evidence-based models with fidelity.
Outreach is affiliated with the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations, Pennsylvania's Family Center Network, the PA Family Support Alliance (child protection coalition), and associations related to its areas of practice. (e.g., National Parents as Teachers™ Blue Ribbon Affiliate, Incredible Years®certification, member worldwide Supervised Visitation Network; member of child welfare, criminal justice, housing, veterans, and other coalitions). Outreach is unique in this community and is the sole provider of many of these programs and services in our region. Over the years, we intentionally sought collaborative strategies to engage program participants and meet community needs, building strong relationships across public and private sectors to move today's families forward - because strong families build strong communities.
What have they accomplished so far and what's next?
Established in 1988 as a women's employment program, over time Outreach's Workforce Development services expanded to include welfare-to-work programs, displaced worker training, prisoner reentry services, and other assistance for un- and under-employed workers of all backgrounds.
The organization's Family Center division is rooted in Outreach's Family Matters program, honored as a Governor's model. In the mid-1990s, the agency was specifically selected by county leaders to guide local Family Center (state child/family systems reform), youth risk prevention (Communities That Care), and court/offender reentry initiatives in collaboration with government, schools, and other nonprofit partners. This ongoing role, along with program growth, led to Outreach's development of Seventh Avenue Center, a multifaceted family resource center.
Examples of accomplishments:
Outreach is the largest provider of parenting services in Lackawanna County, offering the region's only certified Incredible Years program. Outreach is the area's designated Family Center.
Successful U.S. Department of Education-funded projects for Youth Mentoring (middle school ages) and Innovative Approaches to Literacy (early learning), led to an ongoing Prenatal-to-Grade Three partnership with Scranton School District.
The agency introduced the region's first career center for dislocated workers. Our weekly Job Group remains the community's only open-to-the-public job search support program.
Evaluation data demonstrated that the organization's award-winning prisoner education/reentry services were very effective in reducing recidivism. Our program serves over 1,800 local prisoners/ year (impacting 2,400 children) and has been featured at state and national conferences.
Looking forward, Outreach will continue vital services to the community through outreach to individuals and families of all backgrounds, active collaboration, and strategic resource development. These cooperative efforts include gathering insight from consumers and outside supporters.
Outreach was part of the national Listen for Good initiative, a two-year project that engaged our program participants in "feedback loops" to compare Outreach's work with that of nonprofit organizations across the nation. Outreach is committed to the evaluation of all programs and continues to obtain feedback from participants.
Outreach will continue to address the community's priority needs by building on recent initiatives. This includes expansion of child/parent home visiting with a new multi-year Pennsylvania Department of Human Services grant; addressing the current opioid crisis through strategies such as gender-responsive recovery groups and Guiding Good Choices® teen drug prevention workshops; and the deployment of other community services that help children, families, and adults thrive.
How we listen
Seeking feedback from people served makes programs more responsive and effective. Here’s how this organization is listening.
How is your organization using feedback from the people you serve?
To identify and remedy poor client service experiences, To identify bright spots and enhance positive service experiences, To make fundamental changes to our programs and/or operations, To inform the development of new programs/projects, To strengthen relationships with the people we serve, To understand people's needs and how we can help them achieve their goals, We use the information to make changes in programs and to ensure clients' needs are being met.
Which of the following feedback practices does your organization routinely carry out?
We collect feedback from the people we serve at least annually, We take steps to get feedback from marginalized or under-represented people, We aim to collect feedback from as many people we serve as possible, We take steps to ensure people feel comfortable being honest with us, We look for patterns in feedback based on demographics (e.g., race, age, gender, etc.), We look for patterns in feedback based on people’s interactions with us (e.g., site, frequency of service, etc.), We engage the people who provide feedback in looking for ways we can improve in response, We act on the feedback we receive, We tell the people who gave us feedback how we acted on their feedback, We ask the people who gave us feedback how well they think we responded
What challenges does the organization face when collecting feedback?
It is difficult to find the ongoing funding to support feedback collection
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Outreach - Center for Community Resources
Board of directorsas of 01/18/2024
Vicky Castagna
Term: 2023 - 2025
M.Ed., RT Barbara Bryne
Johnson College
Term: 2023 - 2025
Kate Holod
Jerry Musheno
John S. Morrison
Retired Business Owner
Nicholas Parise
Fidelity Bank
Mary Belin Rhodes
Mark D. Young
C.C. Young & Henkelman
Cynthia Yevich
Anne Q. Butler
Wells Fargo Investments
Bryan Boles
Topp Business Solutions
Victoria Castagna
Retired Probation Officer
Stephanie Mihal
McGrail, Merkel, Quinn, & Associates, PC
Barbara Byrne
Johnson College
Deanne Beyrent
University of Scranton
Rosemary Bohenek
Viewmont Mall
Colleen Dunsmuir
M&T Bank
Mary Icker
Cigna Healthcare
Jahan Tabatabaie
Family Investments Realty
Board leadership practices
GuideStar worked with BoardSource, the national leader in nonprofit board leadership and governance, to create this section.
Board orientation and education
Does the board conduct a formal orientation for new board members and require all board members to sign a written agreement regarding their roles, responsibilities, and expectations? Yes -
CEO oversight
Has the board conducted a formal, written assessment of the chief executive within the past year ? Yes -
Ethics and transparency
Have the board and senior staff reviewed the conflict-of-interest policy and completed and signed disclosure statements in the past year? Yes -
Board composition
Does the board ensure an inclusive board member recruitment process that results in diversity of thought and leadership? Yes -
Board performance
Has the board conducted a formal, written self-assessment of its performance within the past three years? Yes
Organizational demographics
Who works and leads organizations that serve our diverse communities? Candid partnered with CHANGE Philanthropy on this demographic section.
The organization's leader identifies as:
Race & ethnicity
No data
Gender identity
Transgender Identity
Sexual orientation
No data
No data
Equity strategies
Last updated: 01/17/2024GuideStar partnered with Equity in the Center - an organization that works to shift mindsets, practices, and systems to increase racial equity - to create this section. Learn more
- We ask team members to identify racial disparities in their programs and / or portfolios.
- We analyze disaggregated data and root causes of race disparities that impact the organization's programs, portfolios, and the populations served.
- We disaggregate data to adjust programming goals to keep pace with changing needs of the communities we support.
- We employ non-traditional ways of gathering feedback on programs and trainings, which may include interviews, roundtables, and external reviews with/by community stakeholders.
- We have long-term strategic plans and measurable goals for creating a culture such that one’s race identity has no influence on how they fare within the organization.
- We use a vetting process to identify vendors and partners that share our commitment to race equity.
- We seek individuals from various race backgrounds for board and executive director/CEO positions within our organization.
- We have community representation at the board level, either on the board itself or through a community advisory board.
- We help senior leadership understand how to be inclusive leaders with learning approaches that emphasize reflection, iteration, and adaptability.
- We measure and then disaggregate job satisfaction and retention data by race, function, level, and/or team.
- We engage everyone, from the board to staff levels of the organization, in race equity work and ensure that individuals understand their roles in creating culture such that one’s race identity has no influence on how they fare within the organization.