St. Anthony Park Area Seniors

Neighbors Serving Neighbors

Saint Paul, MN   |
GuideStar Charity Check

St. Anthony Park Area Seniors

EIN: 41-1626981


The mission of St. Anthony Park Area Seniors is to enrich the lives of community seniors and provide assistance in maintaining independence and interdependence through professionals and volunteers providing at-home living assistance, wellness activities, nursing care, and caregiver support.

Ruling year info


Program Director

Katharine Tondra

Main address

P.O. Box 8086

Saint Paul, MN 55108 USA

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Formerly known as

St. Anthony Park Block Nurse Program



Subject area info

Home health care

In-home aid and personal assistance

Population served info


NTEE code info

Home Health Care (includes Visiting Nurse Associations) (E92)

What we aim to solve

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Our programs

SOURCE: Self-reported by organization

What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, and who do the programs serve?

Service Coordination

We assist seniors and their caregivers in accessing available community resources or our own volunteers resources.

Population(s) Served

We contract with a medicare certified nursing agency to provide skilled nursing, home health aides, homemakers, and physical, occupational, speech and respiratory therapists.

Population(s) Served

We have a team of volunteer drivers who provide seniors with rides to medical appointments, exercise classes, and outings planned by this program.

Population(s) Served

We offer daily weekday exercise classes for seniors and caregivers of seniors.

Population(s) Served

We plan and accompany seniors on group outings to local restaurants. We show movies and offer a game day. We offer presentations on topics such as senior legal issues and Medicare.

Population(s) Served

Where we work


Meets All Standards 2011

Charity Reviews Council


St. Anthony Park Area Seniors
Fiscal year: Jul 01 - Jun 30

Revenue vs. expenses:  breakdown

SOURCE: IRS Form 990 info
Note: When component data are not available, the graph displays the total Revenue and/or Expense values.

Liquidity in 2023 info

SOURCE: IRS Form 990

Average of 0.00 over 10 years

Months of cash in 2023 info

SOURCE: IRS Form 990

Average of 0 over 10 years

Fringe rate in 2023 info

SOURCE: IRS Form 990


Average of 0% over 10 years

Funding sources info

Source: IRS Form 990

Assets & liabilities info

Source: IRS Form 990

Financial data

SOURCE: IRS Form 990

St. Anthony Park Area Seniors

Revenue & expenses

Fiscal Year: Jul 01 - Jun 30

SOURCE: IRS Form 990 info

Fiscal year ending: cloud_download Download Data

St. Anthony Park Area Seniors

Balance sheet

Fiscal Year: Jul 01 - Jun 30

SOURCE: IRS Form 990 info

The balance sheet gives a snapshot of the financial health of an organization at a particular point in time. An organization's total assets should generally exceed its total liabilities, or it cannot survive long, but the types of assets and liabilities must also be considered. For instance, an organization's current assets (cash, receivables, securities, etc.) should be sufficient to cover its current liabilities (payables, deferred revenue, current year loan, and note payments). Otherwise, the organization may face solvency problems. On the other hand, an organization whose cash and equivalents greatly exceed its current liabilities might not be putting its money to best use.

Fiscal year ending: cloud_download Download Data

St. Anthony Park Area Seniors

Financial trends analysis Glossary & formula definitions

Fiscal Year: Jul 01 - Jun 30

SOURCE: IRS Form 990 info

This snapshot of St. Anthony Park Area Seniors’s financial trends applies Nonprofit Finance Fund® analysis to data hosted by GuideStar. While it highlights the data that matter most, remember that context is key – numbers only tell part of any story.

Created in partnership with

Business model indicators

Profitability info 2012
Unrestricted surplus (deficit) before depreciation $0
As % of expenses 0.0%
Unrestricted surplus (deficit) after depreciation $0
As % of expenses 0.0%
Revenue composition info
Total revenue (unrestricted & restricted) $0
Total revenue, % change over prior year 0.0%
Program services revenue 0.0%
Membership dues 0.0%
Investment income 0.0%
Government grants 0.0%
All other grants and contributions 0.0%
Other revenue 0.0%
Expense composition info
Total expenses before depreciation $0
Total expenses, % change over prior year 0.0%
Personnel 0.0%
Professional fees 0.0%
Occupancy 0.0%
Interest 0.0%
Pass-through 0.0%
All other expenses 0.0%
Full cost components (estimated) info 2012
Total expenses (after depreciation) $0
One month of savings $0
Debt principal payment $0
Fixed asset additions $0
Total full costs (estimated) $0

Capital structure indicators

Liquidity info 2012
Months of cash 0.0
Months of cash and investments 0.0
Months of estimated liquid unrestricted net assets 0.0
Balance sheet composition info 2012
Cash $0
Investments $0
Receivables $0
Gross land, buildings, equipment (LBE) $0
Accumulated depreciation (as a % of LBE) 0.0%
Liabilities (as a % of assets) 0.0%
Unrestricted net assets $0
Temporarily restricted net assets $0
Permanently restricted net assets $0
Total restricted net assets $0
Total net assets $0

Key data checks

Key data checks info 2012
Material data errors No


The people, governance practices, and partners that make the organization tick.

Form 1023/1024 is not available for this organization

Program Director

Katharine Tondra

I volunteered at St. Anthony Park Area Seniors from 2011-2013. In 2013 I became the program assistant and was promoted to volunteer coordinator later that year. In 2015 I transitioned to becoming the program director.

Number of employees

Source: IRS Form 990

St. Anthony Park Area Seniors

Officers, directors, trustees, and key employees

SOURCE: IRS Form 990

Show data for fiscal year
Compensation data
Download up to 5 most recent years of officer and director compensation data for this organization

There are no highest paid employees recorded for this organization.

St. Anthony Park Area Seniors

Board of directors
as of 08/23/2023
SOURCE: Self-reported by organization
Board of directors data
Download the most recent year of board of directors data for this organization
Board co-chair

Marjorie Avoles

No affiliation

Term: 2015 - 2021

Board co-chair

Ton Countryman

No affiliation

Term: 2016 - 2022

Shirley Reider

Carolyn McKay

Judy Hayes

Niza Hanany

Sandy Henry

Steve Bishop

Marjorie Avoles

Tom Countryman

Katherine Eklund

Gordon Murdock

Dave Christianson

John Wright

Board leadership practices

SOURCE: Self-reported by organization

GuideStar worked with BoardSource, the national leader in nonprofit board leadership and governance, to create this section.

  • Board orientation and education
    Does the board conduct a formal orientation for new board members and require all board members to sign a written agreement regarding their roles, responsibilities, and expectations? Yes
  • CEO oversight
    Has the board conducted a formal, written assessment of the chief executive within the past year ? Yes
  • Ethics and transparency
    Have the board and senior staff reviewed the conflict-of-interest policy and completed and signed disclosure statements in the past year? Yes
  • Board composition
    Does the board ensure an inclusive board member recruitment process that results in diversity of thought and leadership? Yes
  • Board performance
    Has the board conducted a formal, written self-assessment of its performance within the past three years? Yes